
A live sensation in its purest form!

This groove machine transcends the soul with earthy didge tones and deep drum beats.
From ambient to techno & full of psy-trance, you will definitely be amazed by these creative musicians!

Original grooves and solid beats are the key ingredients to connect and take the audience to great heights.

Live created, lyrical synth lines by drummer Pascal forge the absolute power of the didgeridoo and the highly danceable drum beats into a complete story.


Driven by freedom of spirit and human strength, they flood the audience with their raw energy.


And let them see and feel what the didgeridoo is meant for: Making people dance!



Let's get ACOUSTICK!

In 2020, when the Dutch government had just announced a lockdown, Pascal and Michiel were approached by ID&T with the question if they wanted to play at their pop-up camping 'Tijdloos'.
They played 10 shows in 3 weeks! Since then, the brothers have formed a close-knit team and are ready to shake things up with their 'Dutch organic trance act'.

In 2021, thanks to 'Fonds Podiumkunsten, they put on a 2.5-hour show together with iGnite music agency. This gave rise to the idea of ​​bringing extra musicians to their shows, if the budget allows it. And so Acoustick XL was born.

Since the spring of 2024, they have given the Acoustick sound a really cool upgrade. With live synth sounds, the duo now sounds like a complete band!

In the meantime, they have managed to build up a nice track record.

Afterparties, the Kakofonia tent at Mañana Mañana or the mainstage at the Landjuweel in Ruigoord.

Actually, it doesn't really matter where they play. Time and time again, when people feel like going hard, they blow the place away.

Actually, the agreement with the audience is simple: The harder you go, the harder Acoustick goes! At the end of the show, it is clear to everyone: Nobody can go any harder!

Didgeridoo grandmaster Michiel was adopted into an Aboriginal clan in 2003. And he clearly sees that the didgeridoo (yidaki) should be used for what it is traditionally intended for. Namely, accompanying the dancers. Together with the dance grooves and lyrical synth sounds of Pascal, he brings the Australian bush to the dance floor.
Learn more about Michiel and his mission.


Booster Festival

For bookings click here!

Synthetase - Acoustick - New sounds 2024

Synthetase - Acoustick - New sounds 2024

Acoustick @ Mañana Mañana 2023

Acoustick @ Buitenland

Acoustick @ Kattegat Festival
Full track

Bamako - Acoustick Stories 2021
Full track

Acoustick merchandise

Jump around at every festival with your striking Acoustick T-Shirt!

Ended up at a campfire again? Then quickly put on your new Acoustick hoodie!

Summer in your head? Flipperdieflopfloplfop!

Lost a child? Everyone can recognize it by this cool Acoustick kids T-shirt!

All clothing is made of organic cotton and fits perfectly. (Maybe order your hoodie 1 size bigger)

By clicking on the photos you will be redirected to our Etsy shop. There you can place your order and in no time you can show yourself everywhere again!

Logo: Gewoon Henne

MT-Yidaki didgeridoo shop.

Did you know that Michiel has had a shop with traditional didgeridoo's from Arnhemland, Australia, for over 12 years? Since being adopted into an Aboriginal clan in 2003, he was determined to give something back to the original owners of the didgeridoo. Check his website to view the online store.
You might find a new instrument!

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Phone: +31-(0)6 40707461



You can find our EPK by following this link


For all didgeridoo / yiḏaki related info and questions please visit:



Logo: Gewoon Henne - Photography: Sven Scholten & Cesco Photography


"And straight to our new cool stage Kakofonia, there was a cool band going on with a guy who went wild on a didgeridoo. Acoustick, what a good band and the place went wild." 
Mañana Mañana Festival 2023

"Michiel is by far the best didgeridoo player I've ever heard and Pascal can really drum like an animal. I quickly bombarded them to residents of Tijdloos."
Ilja Reiman - Director Multigroove

"Acoustick is the perfect festival act to meet by chance and then dance all night spontaneously."
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